18 Mar

Letter To Dear Ministry Partners, Family and Friends

This Was So Strongly Impressed On  

My Heart By The Holy Spirit The 

14th Day Of January 2024!


Day of Hanukkah

One of the things that's so very  important when reading the gospels is this. 

Who are you in the story?

Each of us has a personal place in Yeshua's  gospel story, we need to identify ourselves In His story!

So many simply read the gospels from a pure historical perspective.

The Holy Spirit wants to reveal who we are and where we are @ Spiritually in the gospel story!

Mary is a (type of the Bride) who was the only one who truly followed Yeshua all the way from the 


To the Tomb! 

When no one else would!

She And She Alone Witnessed Yeshua Ascension!

Do You See Your Self As A Mary?

She and she alone stepped into the 8th day because of her faith, believing Yeshua repeated words to them of His death, and resurrection (3) days later. 

Mary believed Yeshua word's and was found present (3) days later at the tomb when no one else did!

Mary defied the Roman Empires power and authority 

"No one will be allowed By Roman decree near the tomb on resurrection morning!"

Mary's Faith in Yeshua words and choosing to following in Yeshua footsteps from the 

Cross to the Tomb 

Even in the face of grave danger in doing so! 

When none of the disciples would even Dare To!!

I Thought Peter Swore He Would Rather Die Then Hide? 

Many Promised To Follow Yeshua Like Mary, But Never Really Did In 2023!

Choosing  Rather To Just Play That Religious Card Instead!

The Father Honored Mary's faith!!

 By removing the Roman Empire out of Mary's way for her as the Roman guards fled In fear at the angel of the Lord's appearance.

The whole time the disciples hide behind closed doors in fear of the Romans, not believing 

Yeshua repeated words of 

His death and promised resurrection On the 3rd day!

 Peter ( hope your not a Peter in this part of the story) went even as far as to rebuke the Lord, Peter and all the disciples fell prey to fear and the Romans because of unbelief.

The Christian Church for 1700 has been hiding behind closed doors!

 Strictly obeying the Roman Emperor Constantine law! 

The Followers Of Yeshua Are Not  Allowed @ The Tomb On Resurrection Morning! 


In 2023 the Christian Church celebrated Roman law on 🐰Easter April 9th in open celebration of a occult ritual.

  Strickly Adhering To And Obeying Roman Law Forbidding Again The 

Global Christian 🌎 World!

On Passover May 5th 2023 and Resurrection morning May 8th 2023 from Celebrating the True 

Feast Of the Lord on Passover!

On True Passover & Resurrection

 The Global 🌎Christian Church Again in 2023 was hiding in unbelief behind closed doors just like the disciples in the gospel story!

100% True!!

Mary stepped though the open door into the (8th day) at the tomb where the stone was rolled away. 

Mary (A type of the Bride) experienced the one who was the 8th day and she witnessed Ascension when everyone else was in unbelief!

Even when Mary testified to the disciples behind closed doors Of Yeshua Resurrection they did not believe her!

Luke 24:11

In 2024

A very very small number will walk though the open door into the 8th day.

Most will remain behind the closed door in unbelief when Yeshua takes 

His Mary's ( Bride) to glory In 2024 because they never really truly followed in Yeshua footsteps in 2023 

Like Mary


February 14th 2024!

Unless I'm Your Date You will Not Escape!

Reminded Of This Video As The Bridegroom's 

Valentines Day

A Hidden Day!

 Approaches For His Bride!


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