06 Aug

Suddenly During The Night Watch (August 4th- 5th)

I Heard The Voice Of Yeshua Say:


1st Day Of Creation

  Wednesday September 21st 2022 

(Elul 25 5782)

 While In Route To Work 

@ 530am

Looking @ The Morning Star Of Venus

In The Eastern Sky!

Suddenly I Heard

Yeshua Voice!

"Pack Your Bags Your Going Home!"

Those Words That Morning  

Stopped Me In My Tracks 

To Say The Least!

I Experienced  A Few Moments Of;

Total Shock And Uncertainty 

I Mean Come-On 

What Would I Pack Anyway To Take 

Home To Heaven?

Then Suddenly Yeshua 

Voice Again;


I Would Not Ask You To Pack Your Bags If You Didn't Have Something To Bring With You." 

This Scripture Verse Suddenly Flooded My Soul

"Only Whats Done For Christ 

Will Last!"

2 Corinthians 4:18

Suddenly A Incredible Feeling Of 

Peace And  Tranquility!

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