14 Jul

The Golden Hour

The Critical Time Between 

Life And Death!

I Remember In 2018  I Had A Powerful Vision Of The 

Golden Gate Bridge 2.0 


You Heard Me Correctly 

Golden Gate Bridge  2.0

What Is Now Presently The Golden Gate Bridge In San Francisco 

Was No More 

What I Saw In The Spirit Was A New  Bridge

Paved In Gold  

With Millions Crossing The New Bridge Paved In Gold To A Glorious Eternal Mansion On The Other Side!

When Will 1 Corinthians 15:23

 Finally  Be Fulfilled?

"But Each In (Turn); Christ, The First Fruits; Then When He Comes, Those Who Belong To Him"

Harvest Cycles

Even The End Of The Age 

Is A Harvest! 

Matthew 13:39

I Want Everyone To Please Think About This! ๐Ÿค”

Why Does The Jewish And Christian World Start The Omar ๐ŸŒพCount Half Way Through A Harvest Cycle??  

2 Months After The Winter Wheat Is Planted The Religious World Then  Begins A Religious Omer ๐ŸŒพWheat Harvest Count??? 

How Completely Bazaar!!!

Wouldn't It Make Farming Sense To Start A New Grain ๐ŸŒพ Cycle And Count When It's Planted???

The Whole Thing Is Completely Insane And Has 

Zero Agricultural  Integrity! 

You Plant Spring ๐ŸŒฑ Seed At Passover Qualifying It As 


According To Levitical Law!

*Any Grain Seed That Sprouts (Takes Root) After The 2nd Day Of Pesach Becomes 




According To  Leviticus 23:15-16 A "NEW๐ŸŒพGRAIN" Offering Must Be Made!

No Exception Or The Offering Is Rejected By 


4 Months Is Needed To Harvest Summer Wheat ๐ŸŒพ Anything Planted Before Passover Is Legally Considered Yoshon 

" Old Grain"

Leviticus 23:15-16 Instruction Is To Begin A Brand New Harvest Cycle!

After The First Fruits Barley Offering In Leviticus 23:10!

All Of This Is Clearly Stated To 

Begin When???

This Is The Key To The Start Of The  New Harvest Cycle 



"New Grain Offering


 When They Enter The Promise Land! 

Which Was The 10th Of Nissan!

Make No Mistake The Very First Planting Season In The Promise Land Was A Summer Wheat๐ŸŒพHarvest  Planted Per Leviticus 23:15-16

On The 22nd Of Nissan 

End Of Unleavened Bread!

 Start Your (7) Week Count

Wheat๐ŸŒพ Becomes Pregnant/Flowers With Grain At 7 weeks!

On The Morrow After The 7 Weeks Count 50 Days To Harvest! 

The Day After The 7th Day Of Unleavened Bread Sabbath Which Falls On The 22nd Of Nissan To



August 8th 2024!

100 Days Is The Minimum Cycle From Planting To Harvest!


"Donโ€™t You Have A Saying;

 โ€˜Itโ€™s (4) Months Until Harvest?"

Tammuz Will End August 5th 2024!

This Harvest Will Be Very Violent In Nature As Stated In; 

Matthew 3:12

The Appointed Season!

As Yeshua Separates The๐ŸŒพWheat From The Chaff On His Threshing Floor!

Then Gathering His Wheat Into His Barn And Casting The Chaff Into The Fire 

The Golden Hour

The Critical Time Between Life And Death!


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